18 Aug 2022, 01:10
'AlphaQuark(AQT)'와 'AlphaQuark Announcements' 라는 그룹명으로 알파쿼크 채널을 가장하여 에어드랍 이벤트를 진행하는 것처럼 속여 금전적 피해를 유도하고 있는 텔레그램 채널들이 발견되었습니다. 해당 채널들의 이벤트 링크를 절대 클릭하지 마세요. 알파쿼크에서 진행되는 이벤트가 아닙니다! 🙅🏻♀️
Same news in other sources
118 Aug 2022, 01:13
Telegram channels have been found to be leading financial damage by deceiving them as if they were hosting an airdrop event under the guise of the Alpha Quark channel under the group names "AlphaQuark(AQT)" and "AlphaQuark Announcements." Never click on the event link for these channels. This is not an event held at Alpha Quark. 🙅🏻♀️
Telegram channels have been found to be leading financial damage by deceiving them as if they were hosting an airdrop event under the guise of the Alpha Quark channel under the group names "AlphaQuark(AQT)" and "AlphaQuark Announcements." Never click on the event link for these channels. This is not an event held at Alpha Quark. 🙅🏻♀️